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Informationen zu „Datei:Al Jolson's Hobart M. Cable Company Piano, Banjo, Wind instruments by C.G. Conn and Holton, Drum-kit, early 20th century, Museum of Making Music.jpg“

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AnzeigetitelDatei:Al Jolson's Hobart M. Cable Company Piano, Banjo, Wind instruments by C.G. Conn and Holton, Drum-kit, early 20th century, Museum of Making Music.jpg
Weiterleitungen nachDatei:Al Jolson's Hobart M. Cable Company Piano, Banjo, Wind instruments by C.G. Conn and Holton, Drum-kit, early 20th century, Museum of Making Music.jpg (Information)
StandardsortierschlüsselAl Jolson's Hobart M. Cable Company Piano, Banjo, Wind instruments by C.G. Conn and Holton, Drum-kit, early 20th century, Museum of Making Music.jpg
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Anzahl der Weiterleitungen zu dieser Seite0


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